Academic Publishing Wiki
Historia - Sheet 1

This is the fixed JPG version of "Where is Peru?" To make and create the cutouts use the Word version, obtainable from your R&S group.

The image (left) is a screen shot of Sheet 1. The actual sheet in a Word file has floating countries and labels. These can be clicked and dragged to their correct positions or cut out and pieced together. The text bubbles can be written over in any language. Parents, tutors and friends are invited to "repurpose" or tailor the sheet in tune with the needs of the child or the specific group, for whom it is being developed.

La imagen (izquierda) es una "photo de la pantalla" de la Hoja 1. La verdadera hoja es un archivo de Word que tiene países y etiquetas "flotantes". A los que se puede hacer clic y arrastrar a sus posiciones correctas o se puede recortar y reconstruirlos como un rompecabezas. Las burbujas de texto se puede "sobre-escribir" en cualquier idioma. Los padres,tutores y amigos están invitados a "replantear" o adaptar la hoja en sintonía con las necesidades del niño o el grupo específico, a lo que está siendo desarrollado.

Sheets 2,3,and 4 reinforce the theme "Where is Perú?".

Part 2 Ñawpaqllaqtakuna Piruwpi - The first cities in Perú. Sheets 1 and 2[]

MFHP Part2 Sheets 1 and 2

This is a screen photo of Part 2 - Sheets 1 and 2. The original graphics created in Word (because most users of internet have access to Word) have been updated // You can improve them and add or substitute any language - of your village/ town/ department, your grandparents . . .You can even change this text for the better (click on image) and gain AST points


A new page for private distribution

Caral and Miss Why - new page x2